yesterday i gave two weeks' notice.
it was... quite a day. i don't even have the energy to tell about it. i thought i needed to go home and have an intense ugly cry (of relief) but what actually happened is that i haven't slept that well or woke up that happy for three and a half years.
just a few hours after i gave notice i got this non-anonymous exit interview online survey from HR asking for my "candor".
i wrote this:
This environment was hostile for me to the point that it affected my health. I know other employees have similar problems to a lesser degree but I had bad luck (youngest, only woman, etc). It wasn't anything blatant related to a protected class so I never contacted HR. The culture of the department made me feel like I was being too professional or that being careful or following guidelines was looked down upon. The service provided and even the student employees who are hired are often based on favors to management's friends at the university. I refused to hire a supervisor's friend/peer's daughter based on my applicant pool and the supervisor had her hired elsewhere in the department. Some things happened regularly that broke policy, such as management approving students to start working before they did their I-9s and were hired, despite my best efforts and clear instructions. Some illegal things are happening, such as supervisors telling students they absolutely may not discuss their wages, but I didn't ever feel in a position to say something or thought it would make my situation worse. I wish I had documented these things but each time I thought it would stop if I spoke up. I guess this must happen to an extent in every department but I feel for this department that it's cultural. I did everything by the book and did what was asked of me but when I voiced my professional opinions it made my situation very bad. I tried to do certain things in writing in order to protect myself but this didn't always work/wasn't greeted well and my reputation has gone down over time despite my efforts. I don't/didn't have any organizational peers so there wasn't/isn't anyone to corroborate my experience and that made life difficult. This department has a reputation for being very friendly and responsive but life inside the department is not great and employee well-being is low priority. I wish this wasn't true because BYU is a great place to work, but I feel like I have an obligation to say what happened.
i signed my name and sent it in.
i don't have anything lined up, but i am out of here.