just no

people treat secretaries like crap, period. especially when you are a 24 year old woman and they are an older man or woman. when people from the university come in, if i don't give them exactly what they want the first time (which is a problem when they usually don't know what they're talking about, or i have to ask questions to clarify what they mean), they will literally interrupt or turn away from me while i'm talking and ask for one of the men managers. they think i don't know what i'm talking about.

after telling a gentleman on monday that we don't do receiving in the reception area and directing him to the warehouse, he said "no i'll just leave this right here and you can tell him it's here." excuse me?

this morning a lady said "kurt asked me to pick up a table from the northwest corner of the building." ok, who is kurt? is it public surplus? there isn't anything in that corner of the building, do you know anything else ab-- "is the boss here? i'll just ask him." excuse me?

that is all.

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