beard card

if i have to listen to my boss lecture one more person about their beard card, i'm going to punch a baby dolphin. if it comes up AT ALL, he gives them the whole go.

"what is the purpose for your beard card? . . . ok, well, the beard card is only for medical reasons, so if you can not shave for a medical reason. so if that clears up, even before your beard card expires, make sure you start shaving and not just keep your beard card because you have it. that is not what it's for."

"well, the beard card is not for your comfort. it's only for when your skin is too irritated to shave. so as soon as you can, you need to start shaving. it's not for employees to take advantage."

"it's not honest to keep a beard card if you can shave."

why don't you tell us how you really feel about this ridic rule.

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