blame it on my amygdala

i know i'm not an easy person for most people to get along with, that i come across stand off ish, that i'm the MOST painful introvert, and i really, really try to make this up to the people i care about and see most in my day to day life when i'm having "on" days.

but please, employees, help me help you. i really, seriously, for real don't want to talk at length about the kinds of salads available at maceys (honey bbq, bleu cheese, bacon ranch, almond, cesar), i don't want to talk for two hours about how you want to wear high heels but don't want to be taller than your husband on your wedding day, and i don't really need you to read all the news stories on your homepage aloud to me every morning. i think you're amazing and i have a lot of respect for you, but i really didn't want to hear about literally every member of your extended family and where they live right now (and in the past) and what drama they caused in your family as kids. you are some of the nicest, most honestly wonderful co workers i've ever had, but i just don't need an update every day about everything your roommate did and said last night (especially please stop complaining that your indian roommate's mom is visiting and pretty much saying you think their food smells like ass and you have to air out your apartment) and if i have to pretend another dog is the cutest dog i've ever seen, i'm going to vomit. also i just don't care about the drawings your fiance's niece drew yesterday.

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