lady professoinals

over the last couple of days i've been attending what is essentially an on campus conference for secretaries. today the first speaker was camille fronk olson. i didn't have high hopes, but also didn't realize who she was. she was fantastic. near the beginning of her presentation she made a point that paul's first convert in europe was a woman, making a side note that she's not sorry for caring so much about women and that she "gets off on women."

after that, i immediately went online on my phone and ordered her book.

her gloriousness was followed by the founder and editor of a prominent local magazine. she was introduced as "a wife of one and a mother of four," which made me throw up in my mouth. her topic was 'ten things happy people do' and her first point was that 'happy people TALK.' which she says is a lesson she learned most from ann romney.

you win some, you lose some.

on a side note, i watched the netflix doc, 'mitt'. i was never really a fan of romney and the documentary left me more unimpressed, which i think was the opposite effect. one of the saddest things about it was that, after their first unsuccessful presidential run (in 2008?) ann was on camera several times saying that she never wanted to ever, ever do a presidential run again. the very next scene cut to her family gearing up for 2012. it made me seriously so sad. she obviously had her reserves the first time, and clearly she found it crushing. our 'wife of one' presenter hinted that ann had opened up to her about negative feelings related to campaigning, and i just felt for her. i know there's a lot no one sees and i don't know them or their relationship, but for heaven's sake, why would you highlight that?

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