my boss is not afraid to hunt you until he kills you. he calls everyone from his office (even the people in the neighboring offices five feet away). i think this is so he can keep all his papers and shiz in one place right in front of him and never get flustered or interrupted. if the person he's calling is on the phone (in their office.... right next to him........), he will call their cell phone and leave a message (even though he can hear their phone going off in the next room... and probably hear them on their office phone......................) so that the ball isn't in his court and he doesn't have to try again later.

that's the key phrase to understanding my boss. he never, never, NEVER, NEVER wants the ball in his court.

he called you and you're not there? he will leave an extremely detailed note with whoever the call forwards to (even if it's your co worker or boss) so that, in his words, you can remind him what he was going to tell you when you call him back and he doesn't have to remember or keep it on his to do list. (if you don't say the thing on the note he said he was calling about he won't remember or he'll act really put out.)

he's returning your call and you're not there? he will just leave another message.

he asked you to do something and you didn't do it within an hour? he will do it himself (without telling you) so he knows it's done and he doesn't have to check in.

stepped away from your desk? he will leave passive aggressive sticky notes on your computer instead of checking in with you later. even if you've left for the day, and he knows you've left, he will put a sticky not there asking you to close a spreadsheet you might have open that he now won't get to until tomorrow anyway, just so you know he would have asked you.

on vacation? he will call you. until you pick up.

not in your office but he wants to talk to you? he will close your office door, effectively setting a trap for you so that--in his words--he can hear you when you come back. get back to your office and have a call to make that's more important than talking to him right that second (which you do make right after you get the keys to open your office door again because it automatically locks and he closed it)? he will stand there to ensure the person you're calling picks up (if they don't, he can talk to you), and if they do, he will go back to his office while you're on your call (so he can keep working, so he doesn't waste time. he will literally go back in his office to keep working for thirty seconds if he's trying to leave the building with someone but they have to run back for their keys). he will work in his office and, like he made sure to tell you, watch your line on his phone so he can see when you're done with your call and come right back.

(yeah.... that just happened.)

my other favorite is when he sends someone an email and then immediately calls them. he'll ask, "do you want me to send you an email about this?" [they answer yes or no.] "well, i already did."

i think in his mind he is the killer of killers. he is the killer you want on your team because that thing WILL get done WHEN he says it will unless he's dead. but to me, this is just the laziest set of asshole moves i've ever seen because he genuinely thinks he's more important than everyone else and never takes responsibility.

for anything. 

this is what my every single work day is like. 8 hours of this. every day.

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