scripture study

i have two brothers on missions right now, both stateside. one of them has been using facebook his entire mission, by decision of his mission president, but the other is now coming online as per the big announcement that missionaries will begin using much more media.

the second brother just accepted my friend request (as suggested by my mom) today, and he immediately added all of us--his parents and us five kids--to a secret group called 'family scripture study return and report'. i. love. it. i want to read my scriptures for the first time in years. i don't know why it seems so engaging, and maybe it's just that i miss connecting with him, and with us all as a family, but it feels so special.

this brother and i haven't gotten along well in the past. he is a headstrong and exceptional jock and i am an intellectual. we always butted heads growing up, at each others' throats. he is becoming such an incredible man, and we have grown very close. maybe closer than i am with my other siblings.

today i'm grateful for him, and i thin i'm going to read my scriptures tonight.

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