maiden name

whenever my maiden name shows up around the office, my boss always points it out to me.

each day every employee fills out a little report of what their work hours went to that day (so we can charge customers accordingly). literally my first day back after my honeymoon, my boss brings my report back to me and showed me that my "old" name was on it... which i didn't appreciate. i know he was trying to help me and thought i had forgotten, but it was very much on purpose and it's not really his business. what if i wasn't changing my name? that would have been awkward. being that it is a legal document, i put my then-legal name on it (and i didn't end up officially changing my name for several months).

it's been a year and this still happens. earlier this week we were scheduling some online reports. our work email addresses are firstname_lastname@-. i have arranged with tech support to have both the emails for my maiden name and married name to come to me since people know me in my professional life by both names. the form required an email, and i put in my maiden name email address. "op!! you put in your old name! was it just out of habit?" my boss said as soon as i had done it. in the past i have laughed it off, but this time i said something like, 'i don't think it really matters.' he then made some joke about me still trying out my new last name and not being sure if i will keep it. (leave-your-husband / husband-as a-trial-product jokes got old about...... a year ago.)

i know he means well, but i am both girls, and it's just not his business.

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