
my calling is to serve on the relief society activities committee, which i can say i have done faithfully, even with not being very active myself and even though i dislike the girl who used to be the head.

last winter we had a dinner/socialize activity. i had miraculously struck up conversation with this girl who self-identified as a feminist (it was a really great conversation and she started going on about the media, but looked a little lost when i started talking about gender roles, so i think we were disconnecting on what kind of feminists we are haha) and we talked for a while. in the kitchen afterward the head of the committee and i were cleaning up and she said, as though she was talking to a child, 'see, even you found someone to talk to!'

yeah, that happened.

she also wanted to have an activity every couple of weeks, even though the handbook and bishop say we only need to have them once a semester. for a three person committee in a VERY social and active ward, i felt like this was super overkill, especially when she wanted to have a dinner or some kind of food every time. she also was insistent that we have our planning meetings on sunday even though when she asked my opinion i was honest and open and said that i dislike piling meetings on sundays and prefer to have them during the week so i can better observe the sabbath. she insisted she had literally no time during the week for a half hour meeting and asked me again if i would mind having them on sunday even though i just told her i did. she also planned two separate temple trips with two different breakfasts provided (again, three person committe and the other lady didn't come) because one sister said she couldn't come. she then coordinated for the sisters who went on one trip to watch the kids of the women who went on the other, because apparently there is a mistrust of some of the brethren in the ward. i asked why the women couldn't ask their husbands to stay home with the kids, and she kind of looked at me like i was an alien. she said she wanted to guarantee that every woman could go, and i suggested that in the rare chance that their husbands couldn't 'watch' the kids, that they arrange for their own babysitters, and she continued to get reeeeally awkward.

when is too much too much?

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