the white stuff

i tried to be good and wear my garments from the get go today. then we started moving around tons of shiz to send to DI and i just couldn't do it. 95+ degrees outside, and i don't glisten, i practically bleed sweat, from everywhere. i changed out of them in order to help my husband happily and with a little less feeling that i was going to die.

i have seen it mentioned online before that the garments are impractical for saints who live in hot climates. this had me thinking africa, but even here in utah it has been 100+ degree weather, and we have no a/c so there is no relief.

i don't mean to make excuses for myself. but i do feel less than happy about garments this summer. sometimes i feel i can respect my garments more by not wearing them when i'm exercising or even when walking outside can cause me to be drenched in sweat, by not ruining them and resenting them.

i tried, and it didn't pan out.

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