byu secrets

i hate the byu secrets page. i have read most of not all of the posts on there. it seems that a holistic look at all these posts reveal the admin poster very clearly. this person is clearly:

- a guy.
- gay, or having strong ties to the gay community.
- struggling with his testimony of the gospel.
- had problems with masturbation, or others similar.
- feeling very trapped at byu.

i have no problem with any of these things. i know several guys like this who i care very much for, and who i've known for several years. freak, I relate to most of those things. but it secretly makes me so furious that he is not posting secrets, other than those in a very specific topic range, for people to read. like anything specific to women's struggles. someone asked him why he didn't post more secrets. his reply was that he's at work when he reads them, and also that a lot of them are 'stupid.'

i bet they aren't.

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