changing the face of lds doubt

this nyt article went live today and spread like wildfire.

i am humbled by how timely it is, and how much an answer to my worries it is.

it has become evident to me as i have struggled that  feminists are targeted as a doubting group in the church, specifically women in their 20s and 30s. i feel that members of all ages and both sexes have dismissed this anguished, communal expression of doubts as "simply" feminist or gay issues and easily dismissed.

when an area authority is coming forward stronger than most, it changes the game. and it is not only a young mormon feminist issue.

i fear that the mainstream lds response to this will be to quote the scripture that says that in the last days even many of the elite will be lead away. followed by a tidy dismissal of those who doubt as doomed in holy writ and in god's eyes.

the last few days my biggest question has been, WHY will no one TALK about this?

will the church really send doubters away, even when many are expressing honest concern and an honest desire to find healing within the gospel? will they really send no one for us?

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