i found out after the fact that after i interviewed the job i have now, it was between me and someone else. my (soon to be) employees met everyone who interviewed and i guess a lot of older women they just hated applied. anyway, it was between me and someone else and they asked the employees who they should hire to break the tie. they all voted for me. that's why they hired me. like, this is the irony of life. man i was so great when i waltzed in there. so in shape, so well dressed, so on the up and up. they probably thought they were going to have some awesome peer to sit next to them and join their club and keep the party alive. little did they know i was going to become, in their eyes, the bitch. dreadful. the devil. worse than the devil. a feminist. a democrat. someone who "let herself go" and gained a bunch of weight. someone who expected then to come to work on time--or just come to work at all--for eff's sake. like, what a seething bitch i was.

sometimes i think of this and just laugh to myself for an hour. the ONLY reason i got this job was because of those four 20-somethings that would come to loathe me. wow, those were the worst of times. thank heaven for job interviews and the will to move on and for not feeling loyal to this place anymore.

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