three things that are getting me through this job

1. the app poop salary. seriously, this is my greatest new hobby. you put in your salary and record when you're in the bathroom and it then literally tells you how much you've been getting paid to poop. since i started keeping track two weeks ago, my boss has paid me $21.38 to poop. sometimes when he makes me mad, i just think about that.

2. this mantra: "This is only temporary. De-invest."

3. my biggest problem is that when i get upset about something, i think about it all day and night and feel just as upset for a while after the problem has passed. so when i can't get something off my mind, i write down all my thoughts about it at once (usually it's something so stupid, like an off hand comment or the way someone does their spreadsheets). when i'm finished, i write the topic on a little piece of paper and then i use a tealight to burn it. i burn it all the way down and promise myself that now i will not get upset about that anymore because i let it go. and the thing is, it really works. so a tealight is essentially putting years back on my life which is pathetic and also great.

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