"how was your family reunion?"

well, on sunday i stayed home from church because my dad woke up and told my mom, "i don't think i feel like going to school today." my mom asked me to please quietly check up on him every half hour and make sure he was still breathing.

i also found out my dad's latest development is that he randomly loses control of his bowels. my mom has picked him up twice from work, and it happened again while he went in some place alone to get himself take out of something he could stomach.

he cried a couple times, and several more times when he was alone with my mom, because he felt like he was "just a problem" and that he was keeping everyone from having fun.

f--- work, f--- church. i don't know how any of us function. i don't know how to act like everything's fine.

how was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Megan. I am so sorry. I hate that your family is having to go through this.
