unfortunately for me, one of my employees has been writing up and preparing her wedding invite address labels at work. unfortunate because she has been saying things like "i hate the whole feminist-keep-your-last-name-thing. i mean, i get the sentiment behind it, but it just makes it so long to do his name and her name" and making my blood boil. i'm so, so, so, so, so sorry that some woman's need to exert her own identity and be true to herself is causing your address labels to not fit like you want them to.

what i said: "yeah."

what i should have said: "i'm considering changing my name back. i think it's awesome and really personal."

there was a small win when she asked me if it was better etiquette to write "mr and mrs [his name]" or just "his and her name". i told her i personally HATE the "mr and mrs his name" shtick (yes, i added that much emphasis) and that it's technically correct but really ridiculous. she decided against the "mr and mrs woman doesn't exist" way and that made my heart soar!

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