"no man or woman can change god's laws, only god can so they're stupid."

obviously kate kelly believes that, otherwise she wouldn't have been petitioning directly to the Lord's servants. but also guess what, the only thing that limits god is US. maybe WE'RE the ones that need our hearts softened and our minds opened so we can receive new revelation. god would never give us revelation we weren't ready for. a lot of members are always saying how the church's laws will never change from "social pressure" or "protesting," and they are right, but what they're missing is accountability--our accountability to search, ponder, and pray and instead of being settled, be ready for glorious change, be teachable, and look for good, and seek for all the possible good we could bring in to the world.

1885: LDS church publicly condemns and releases Bishop John Sharp for renouncing polygamy
1890: LDS church renounces polygamy
1942: LDS church excommunicates Helmuth Huebner, who was arrested for opposing Hilter and was waiting execution
1946: Huebner is posthumously reinstated with note "excommunicated by mistake"
1977: LDS Church excommunicates Byron Marchant and Douglas A Wallace for opposing LDS ban on Blacks receiving the priesthood
1978 LDS church discontinues ban on Blacks receiving the priesthood

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