
i recently got an excellent job in a place i vowed i would leave as soon as i could. my husband is still in school and will someday soon start looking for teaching jobs.

all i can think, on the tailend of my promotion high,  is that i want to keep the job as long as i can. the benefits are sensational. but kids are on the horizon. i have heard women in my family (even my mom) and in my husband's family speak poorly of my aunt and aunt-in-law for choosing to work (even if it is part time) while they have young kids. it is unfair to the kids, it is unfair to the husbands and prevents them from fulfilling their role to provide, it is not necessary--these are the things they say.

all i can think, though, is how doable it is. i find myself thinking things like, 'we can plan the baby so i have it in june or july, and my husband will be able to stay home in the school year off season and care for our child in the first few months before they can go into daycare.' i never thought i'd be a daycare mom, and it is definitely not what i was raised to do.

i am amazed by and grateful for my husband's support but more importantly for his respect toward me to make the decision i feel is best for me, and his willingness to trade off staying at home.

still, we are both increasingly terrified of having children. so maybe i don't need to stress about it just yet.

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