
full hippie transformation is well under way.

i don't really know how it happened, but i am obsessed with everything local, everything organic, everything to do with holistic nutrition and healing with food. i don't feel like i've ever been this uppity before, but now i feel like i will die without my organic shampoo, conditioner, detangler, soap (SO good!), mascara, lip balm, sweat shirts, for crying out loud, the list goes on. i found this company around the same time i got obsessed with this blog, and it was just all downhill (uphill?) from there.

then on top of that, a couple weeks ago husband and i got our blood test results back from when we applied for life insurance (approved, woo!). my cholesterol is actually not bad, just barely high, but my liver is in serious trouble. your liver takes toxins and fat out of your food, so when it is overloaded it essentially turns into a toxic glob of fat. which is disgusting. and that's about where i'm at. it was humbling and wonderful to get our results, and to see what i could work on. i've been focusing on food for my liver (leafy greens, garlic, grapefruit, lemon, beets, etc) and it has been so empowering. i bought carrots and beets and kept the greens to saute or eat in a salad. really, who does that. i hardly recognize myself. but it feels so good to have change.

for a while i went from having cravings to having no appetite at all. it was great that i wasn't wanting fast or greasy food anymore, but i also didn't really want anything. i still took it as a good sign; progress. now i am slowly looking at vegetables and thinking, 'wow, that looks amazing.'

i am obsessed with resetting my body. today i am fasting. a 24 hour fast is long enough to allow your cells to start receiving the benefits of fasting, and pretty effectively resets all your insides. after i fast i'm going to go for a brown rice/quinoa and veggies based diet for a few days. some other things i am obsessed with right now:

-hot baths with fresh grated ginger (wrap up in a blanket for at least an hour afterward to prolong the health benefits)
-drinking a warm glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon juice every morning
-taking a minced clove of garlic--yep, straight up; zaps bugs and illnesses
-kale chips

i want food to be my medicine. especially as i start exercising again. i want it to count. i want a strong body. i want to get in shape and rejuvenate before i have children. i want the long road. last time i lost weight, i had exercise pegged, but i never quite got into eating as healthy as i could have. now i'm starting with the reverse, and i think it's going to be wonderful.

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