clarification on last post

i want to clarify a few things about being a fulfilled person.

i don't think it's impossible to have a family and do all the things i want to do. people can be parents and still do other awesome things, especially when they work together and do it their own way. i'm sure adventuring will continue well in to having a family. because i currently suffer depressive episodes and have a lot of dead space in my life, i can't imagine, with my myopic foresight, that having a family, something i'm having trouble with grasping or wanting at the moment, will ease or help that depression. i worry it will do the opposite.

i also know some people that are fulfilled by having a family, in and of itself. freak, maybe i will be one of those people some day. but because of above mental struggles, i worry about adding other human beings to the mix.


1 comment:

  1. "Some of that is just me, some of it was he wanted me to have kids and I have a hard enough time taking care of myself."

    Definitely reminded me of SLP. And JLaw, bless her soul.

    Also, love the slew of blog posts!
