
a man at work with older still-at-home children is currently going through a divorce. someone asked him how he is doing and he hesitantly started commenting, sardonically, on how he's doing.

'one of my bishopric guys tried to buy me a suit last weekend,' he said.

the guy he was talking to, who is currently a stake president, said, 'ah! well maybe they're going to call you to something where you'll need a suit!'

'no,' he said, 'they won't. i can't do any of the callings that you need a suit for now.'

'oh, yes you can!' the president said, smiling but obviously a little horrified.

'no. i can't,' he said.

it broke my heart for him and for all of those who are shut out of leadership roles in the church for things like sex or marital status. why is that a thing? his life in the church is forever demoted, unless he marries again.

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