two of my co-workers went to a leadership conference in memphis tn last week. the main thing they had to say about the trip was how surprised they were by "the race issue." apparently it is actually real. for anyone else living under a rock here in utah, again, to reiterate: there are some racial issues in tennessee right now. apparently it came up a lot and people, in particular "this one black lady" got pretty heated about it.

they have talked about it in passing a lot since then. today my boss says, "aren't you glad that you live here? what a nice place this is. such a nice environment." i'm definitely so glad he is so blessed to removed from the darkness and unnecessary trouble of the world on his land on a mountain in utah where his four nearest neighbors are his siblings and their huge ass white mormon families.

1 comment:

  1. I have a black friend in my clinical group. Last week we were sent to get a newborn to take its picture. She told me to go in first to ask for the baby because I'm white and therefore more trustworthy. I was just starting to think that race wasn't as big of a deal as I had previously thought.... I was wrong.
