well, the letter of rec is still going strong (i assume?) but the job was a bust. it was a great job that i was definitely qualified for, but alas. one of the job requirements is two weeks of international travel. here i was worrying all weekend that this international trip would mess up the trip we have to go back home and then go to my brother's wedding, cause they would be happening at the same time (because THOSE are the kinds of problems i'm TALKING about, the ones i'd like to have) when i didn't even make it to round two of interviews. i was telling dh today that it's hard not to be bitter and it's probably not true, but i just imagine that as soon as they see this overweight lady come in and she's just not great in person or at interviewing, even though she was great on paper, it's all over. i just don't have a chance.

there are two kinds of jobs i'm applying for:

1 - the job i'm already doing. which makes it hard to create a convincing reason about why i'm leaving a job to do the exact same job.

2 - a job that's a bit new and different but that i'm still qualified for. these are the ones i'm getting interviews and then falling flat on my face for.

i got the news this morning--thank heaven it was quick at least--and i was feeling okay. then i was feeling worse. but then i told myself that i have law school and even if i can't get a job before then or decide to stop looking, I HAVE LAW SCHOOL. IT IS HAPPENING.

then my old cup/bathroom employee (who has been mentioned several other times here) called to ask desperately for advice about how to get a job on campus (and ask our director for a letter of recommendation, because we all know she deserves it). she used me as a reference for the job she got when she left in december, which means she has lasted....... four, yeah four months there before looking for a new job. as she was talking to me about which jobs she was thinking of and i was avoiding giving actual advice, i was thinking, yeah, i applied for that one, too. and that one. and on and on. and the thing is, she'll probably get one of those campus jobs because she's bubbly and skinny and a terrible employee, and it's the terrible employees i've known that have had the easiest times getting jobs.

after i finally got off the phone with her everything kind of went to shit again. these are the high times and the low times, for sure, and you don't have a high without taking a low.

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