bladders, cups, management vent

i once spent an entire staff meeting sharing what i felt was valuable information with my employees. i tried to engage them, tried to share exciting and even confidential info with them where appropriate, tried to kick their motivation and drive on. i felt good. i felt on. i felt like i was relatable and professional. but at the end when i asked if they had questions or comments about where our team was going, they wanted to know why i had taken the cups out of the supply cupboard. these girls had been using so many cups that it was essentially costing us hundreds of dollars per month, and there were never supplies for when the department actually needed them. i had moved the cup stash to a place less at their disposal, leaving a package in the cupboard for their use with the idea that when they ran out, they ran out, until i replenished them when we reordered cups. i explained that we simply could not afford for them to use so many cups, to which one girl replied, "well, it's fine, i found them and put them in the cupboard so they're there now." i could not believe they were livid about cups. i couldn't believe that after a productive meeting of the highest quality i could put on, they wanted to argue about cups. something in me died a little that day.

maybe this is just management. maybe there will always be employees who only care about unlimited access to free cups (so much so that they were search the building and take it in their own hands). but i was frustrated that i had failed to inspire them and frustrated that i continued to feel like i was babysitting.

the same girl who looked for the cups literally uses the bathroom 4 - 8 times every day during her 4 hour shift. as a manager, this is infuriating. her whole job is to watch the desk, answer every phone call, and hold down the fort. i can't trust her to do this. i have calmly explained to her that it is her job to cover the desk and that if there isn't anyone else there, there is simply not an option to go off and use the bathroom. she was unresponsive. in fact, shortly after that she asked a random employee who knows nothing about her job to cover the desk while she went to the bathroom. ...really? you couldn't hold it for one hour? i understand that everyone goes to the bathroom, and in an emergency or even once in a while i'd be happy to cover for her. but she is unresponsive to constructive criticism and the fact that i need to do my job. she drinks water incessantly and is not helping herself.

i am embarrassed that this infuriates me. i am embarrassed for her. am i seriously going to have to sit down in her performance review and talk to her about her bladder? ask her why she can't wait to drink water until business allows or she is at home? i am embarrassed for them that they are grown ass women and they can't control their bladders. i am embarrassed for myself that i spend 40 hours a week babysitting.

is this just what management is?

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