old white guy club

i am watching a training video with two white guys because the white guys in my office don't have anything for me to do. the speaker is an old guy who is not that great of a speaker, but he's talking about leadership aka quoting tonnnnns of other old white guys. my butt hurts. i'm tired of sitting around the office. there is no work to do. and yet, i know i'll go home and sit around more and try to recuperate from doing nothing.

i want to feel ALIIIVE. where did that go to?

i also heard someone say the other day, 'they were being groomed for leadership positions.' i remember they were talking about a group of young men but i don't remember who said it or where i was. still, i cannot get it out of my mind because it makes me furious. the age old professions (law, medicine, business, etc) are run by old white guys who want to pass them on to young white guys. these guys are their sons and the sons of their old white guy friends. all of them probably grew up with wealth. instead of having to work for it they just need to be 'groomed'. implied here: hierarchy, unnecessary tradition, limiting advancement based on non performance based factors.

i know this is a generalization, but i still feel upset.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like boy scouts and the young men's program grooms boys for leadership positions. And the YW's program does not. Because women do not need to lead or something.
