dawn of the planet of the apes

such a beautiful movie. the greek epic of apes.

and so fucking tired and patriarchal. there's a good human father and a bad human father, and a good ape father and a bad ape father. the fathers all have a son or sons but no daughters. the good fathers (only the good fathers) have ladiez, but all the ladiez do is be so *~motherly~* and #blessed. the fathers and sons get huffy. and in the end, the good underdog alpha male has to figure out how to be a good patriarch when there is much bad men, so trials, many his people.

like, is there really no other story to tell? they couldn't have come up with ANYTHING else? ANYTHING more interesting? war is the history and probably the future of humankind, but there is not even a shadow of modernity or women? women will always just take a step back and be invisible so the men can fight it out for menz powerz? when are the stories of toni morrison, marilynne robinson, gloria naylor going to become the epics?

at least in the lion king the lionesses got to be warriors.

i am disappoint, and i'm tired of the stories of men.

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