have i ever mentioned on here how much i hate it when parents give their sons biblical names on purpose? like, i know everyone has biblical names, not just mormon guys, but it still gets to me. i guess because of how obvious it is that people who really care about giving their sons biblical names don't give any shits about giving their daughters biblical names, or if they do, they run out of women's names that they like in like two seconds.

my two brothers closest to me in age have biblical names with really cool stories about how my mom felt impressed about what to name them and impressed about their purposes and missions on earth, that a titular tie to the gospel legacy would benefit and suit them. when i asked her about my name, she said she picked it because she "just liked it." which is fine. i like my name and i'm not bitter about not having a name as old as humanity, but it does bother me that men get this grand, spiritual experience with their name and that there is virtually no such treatment for women.

it probably makes me an ass, but i will go out of my way to make sure my sons don't have biblical names. i don't want my daughters to feel like they are less. and i'm not going to painstakingly give every single kid i have a strong bible name, because to me that is #sorighteous, #soblessed. so i guess that's my unwarranted judgement for the day.

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