in my dreams, here is how the next three weeks will go:

day 1 (today): complete fast
day 2: water fast (no food, water is allowed)
next 19 days, for a full 3 weeks: eat vegan, plus no sugar unless it's natural (i.e. from fruit, honey)

observations after only part of day 1: food provides so many milestones throughout my days. getting to leave work and eat lunch is some of the only sanity in my work day. right now i'm getting ready to go home, and the thought of going home and just not eating anything is kind of giving me anxiety. food is how i ease in and out of the parts of my day, and how i know the time of day or tone of day. eating is often what dh and i do together. like, if we're not going to be eating together, how will we spend time together? (i'm thinking exercise and outings.)

combine this with the fact that i took facebook off just my phone, and my life is completely different in one day.

it is all very iiiinteresting. 

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