when my 22 year old male employee hasn't heard of/doesn't know what menopause is, you know society is failing women. i mean, this kid is considered a prime bachelor in his community, eligible to enter into a serious intimate relationship with a woman, but he has never heard of menopause? it's like that one time i had a co-worker who had to explain to her 25 year old boyfriend what a period was. she thought it was ADORBS. i thought it was a very bad sign. they broke up.

also, guys fixing their balls through their pants in public: stop. srsly just stop, and go to the bathroom. especially if it's not an easy fix and you have to dig in there. if women were always readjusting and touching their breasts in public, people would throw pissy fits. even if the sexualization isn't there for men like it is for women, it is still not okay to play with your genitals in public.

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