1:30 am and not even kind if tired. How does this happen?

The more I read other people's blogs the more I want to blog, so hello. I also have this problem where when I discover the blog of someone I know I just read all of it. Like I read it for days and weeks and depending on how long they've been blogging and how slow life is, maybe read their entire blog. So that's creepy.

I have been in deep clean the apartment mode. My favorite part is that my office space is getting really awesome, and I'm really excited about it. And I am finally ready to send stuff to DI and get rid of vaguely sentimental crap that I've had for years for no reason. Which is huge, because then change will fill the space and I've needed change for two years.

My least favorite part is that I keep finding holes in the walls of our apartment where fittings go in. Like washer and sink pipe attachments and even places where molding should go. It's like the contractor just cut out a way too huge rough hole for it and never closed it. Is that normal? The number and variety of spiders we have seen around is unreal, and I'm convinced they come out of those holes. Plus I can't see at night since I'm not wearing my contacts (super crappy glasses and -10.00 prescription contacts aka blind) so I can't see spiders and I bet they are looking at me right. now. The other morning I was lucky enough to "see"(a blob) and suspect there was a black spider the size of a silver dollar scuttling around stuck in the tub when I was in the bathroom so I could put my contacts in and get rid of it.

Also I will go on record saying that I don't know what everyone really thinks but a good boob day is way better than a good hair day. Or maybe that's just me and this is tmi.

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