Starting on October 9th, I am going read my way through 50 Essays Guaranteed to Make You a Better Person. I don't really know anything about flavorwire, and I try not to take direction on how to be a better person from random internet dump sites, but I stumbled upon this and as I was looking at the essays and they are actually pretty hefty and come well recommended.

I'm going to be reading one essay a day, from one to 50, and that way I will finish my last essay on Thanksgiving Day. I originally wanted to do a 50 post series on my public blog (which sounds really pretentious when I write it out), doing a quick response to one a day, but a lot of the essays have adult themes and I just don't need that controversy shit during the holidays, so I'll be posting here instead. Most of the essays are pretty short and can be found online, and after a few dead hours at work, I've found a hard copy of all of them! There is just something about a hard copy.

One of my new year's resolutions was to read one scholarly article a day, and I have failed miserably aka pretty much haven't tried. So this will be like a mini resolution come true, and a good way to ease into hitting the books for law school.


  1. Question: Did you buy the hard copies? I tried to Google some of them because I'd rather not pay for anything (I'm a poor college student, let's be real). Annnddddd this area of Tennessee isn't known for having much diversity in its literature. At all.

  2. Of the ones they didn't link to in the article: most of them I found online (pretty much by googling "'name of the essay' pdf", one is in a book I already have and one I couldn't find anywhere so I ordered the hard copy for like three bucks except the order was cancelled so right now I don't have that one anymore. If you want to post/email me/message me a list of the ones you don't have I can scan mine and send them to you!
