annoyances about job interviews:

1. please don't ask me to tell you things that are on my resume or application. i took a lot of time to be thorough and tailor my application and cover letter specifically to you, and you should really be reviewing all of that before someone comes to interview. making someone feel like they have to cover everything on their resume in one interview or they don't have a chance makes your interview irrelevant.

2. i firmly believe it is better to hire the right person and train them than to hire someone who won't fit in/has a bad attitude/just is not a good employee but has all the experience. but you still need to ask some skill or job related interview questions, not just open ended ones about life and love and happiness. if you don't, you are basing your entire decision pretty much on whether or not you like me (nervous and under pressure), which i guess is your prerogative but really sucks for inteviewees. what am i supposed to do, try to demonstrate all of the relevant knowledge and skills when you ask if there's anything else i'd like to discuss?

3. how do you convince someone that you will do a kick ass job when you don't have a zillion experience? i feel like my age is really working against me.

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