sometimes people in my life (usually men) do this thing where if they don't like something i do (98% of the time it doesn't even affect them), they will question me about it until they know all my reasons. i hate it because pretty much they are doing it because they don't think i'm capable of making a sound decision (otherwise how could it be something they don't like??) or they think they deserve an explanation and they won't stop turning their nose up at me unless they think my reasons are good enough.

this happens in response to all kinds of things i do--from putting a door stop in a door to going to law school.

my favorite is when they ask me again if i'm sure about it. hmm let me think.... oh wait, yes, i definitely meant to do that as evidenced by my doing it and my explanation and defensiveness at your request.

i don't care if you understand and i don't owe you an explanation. i don't care who you are. that's not me being a bitch, that's me being a person.

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