This morning my two single employees were freaking out about how much married rent is. Then one of them goes, "yeah, sometimes I just think I should find a girl that like just graduated but has a job. Then she'll be like, 'eight hundred dollars for rent? No big deal! I make $84,000 a year' and write a check!" I'm just going to let that sink in. $84,000 a year.

Another time a girl that was working for me was always saying how she just couldn't wait to graduate and be a therapist and make $70,000 a year and she was serious. I'm not really sure where they get this idea from, like are people out there making $70,000 a year 2 years after gradating from this college?? Maybe some. But is everyone? Hell no.

My other employee started saying how married rent is expensive but it's doable on two student incomes. And the $84,000 a year guy goes, "I guess...... And be poor........?.....?"

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