ok, now for a list of good things

- on my birthday my mom sent me an email about how proud she is of me for forging my own way, and even jealous that i'm doing things my way instead of following the flow. i replied saying that i've been worried as the years have gone on that she would be disappointed i wasn't having kids, etc. it was a really great moment and i felt such a full, loving acceptance.

- we are planning a spring trip back home to portland. it's been years and i ache for it constantly. does everyone miss their hometown this much, or is it just me? i am beyond excited. i've spent hours and hours planning already. i am going to breath in that lush, watery air for four days and try not to be emotional, but when i leave it will probably break my heart because i don't know when i'll ever go back again.

- i am so ready to move and run again. i dreamt about running last night. it felt so good. something good is going to happen.

- 2015 is going to be such a good year. i can feel it.

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