
- people get so frightened and ask me a zillion times what's wrong when i cut the bullshit with them at work. like, if i'm over their stupidity and i just tell them how it is without making apologies for myself, i must be having the worst menstruation cycle of my life. i just want to be like,
like, even outside of work (but especially at work), i am so angry all the time. is everyone just this mad all the time? how do people cope with life? i don't even associate with anyone really, i'm not really involved with anything outside myself (at work i even keep to myself) and i am still completely overwhelmed and frustrated by everyone and a lot of things. i have been wondering lately if i should go into anger management. when did my life become an inescapable stress soak? is it from being a feminist? is it from working in this place? is it the same unidentifiable stress i've been in since i graduated and got married and everything changed so fast?

- i really hate staff meetings here. one guy's in particular. it is like a sacrament meeting. so much spiritual crap shoved in there. (he was a bishop and is now a stake presidency person and he talks in that terrible sunday GA voice.) like, at least two people always cry in that meeting. someone always tells a mission story. the "training tip" is always on "how to be the positivest always!!!! no downers!!!!" or "a time i overcame a spiritual struggle" or "let's remember that we are called in the last days to do great things". everyone REALLY grooves on it, so i suppose that's great for them. they're one of the most tight knit groups. but damn. if i wanted to go to church, i would just go to church. why aren't we training people to be better at their actual jobs?

- my biggest pet peeve lately is people who use multiple tweets to say one thing. like, the ENTIRE POINT of twitter is to say something in 140 characters. not in like 8x140 characters.

 - my male employees are entitled assholes and their sexism is endless.

 - i am having a constant battle with myself about cooking and cleaning. if i do any cooking and cleaning, i do all of it. so i do none of it. i stopped a while ago when we lived at our last place because it was the shittiest. i never had a problem with cooking before i got married. none of my questions existed (how can i cook for one person without food going bad? how can i possibly spend that much time cooking? how can i possibly eat at home and be as satisfied as i am eating out?) so, i don't know what is wrong with me.

- i have a new pet betta and he is the best. (although that shit is expensive.) i've been reading reading reading online about how to take care of him, and it strikes me as so funny. like, if someone was reading online about how to take care of their pet human, what would they read?

       "they sell a lot of cheap food that's not actually that good for your human. she'll eat it but it could significantly reduce  her lifespan. an organic, whole foods diet is really best."

       "sounds like your human has a nice home but make sure she has something to do. maybe give her a book so she can read. people don't think of humans being bored but they get just as bored as we do!"

       "sounds like your human is sick with depression. it's a hard one to diagnose because there aren't physical signs. some humans just come that way, but there are things you can try doing."

- okay, that last one was a little weird.

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